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(** represents undergraduate students from the lab, * represent graduate students from the lab)




Petersen M*, Partridge C. 2024. Impacts of weathered microplastic ingestion on gastrointestinal microbial communities and health endpoints in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Accepted in Journal of Great Lakes Research.


Linz D, Struewing I, Sienkiewicz N, Steinman A, Partridge CG, McIntosh K, Allen J, Lu J, Vesper S. 2024. Periodic Addition of Glucose Suppressed Cyanobacterial Abundance in Additive Lake Water Samples During the Entire Bloom Season. Journal of Environmental Management.


Patel OV, Partridge C, Plaut K. 2023. Space Environment impacts homeostatsis: exposure to spaceflight alters mammary gland transportome genes. Biomolecules. 13(5): 872.


Partridge, CG, Nyamai P, Hoskins A**, Parks S. 2023. Butterfly Blues: Population Genetic Assessment of wild lupine (Lupinus perennis L.) in endangered Karner blue butterfly habitat around central-west Michigan. Botany


Swinehart A, Partridge C, Russell A, Thacker A, Kovach J, Moore J. 2023. Diet of a threatened rattlesnake (eastern massasauga) revealed by DNA metabarcoding. Ecology and Evolution.


Sanders M*, Tardani R*, Locher A, Geller K**, Partridge C. 2023. Development of novel early detection technology for hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsuegae (Hemiptera: Adelgidae). Journal of Economic Entomology


Kindervater E, Oudsema M, Hassett M, Partridge C, Steinman A. 2022. Assessment of the effectiveness of muck digesting pellets. Lake and Reservoir Management


Thompson CL, Alberti M, Barve S, Battistuzzi FU, Drake JL, Govaert L, Partridge C, Yang Y. 2021. Back to the Future: Reintegratinig biology to understand how past eco-evolutionary change can predict future outcomes. Integrative and Comparative Biology.


Lamar SK*, Partridge CG. 2020. Combining Herbarium Databases with Genetic Methods to Evaluate the Invasion Status of Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila paniculata) in North America. Biological Invasions. (


Lamar SK*, Beddows I, Partridge CG. 2020. Examining the molecular mechanisms contributing to the success of an invasive species across different ecosystems. Ecology and Evolution.


Leimbach-Maus H*, McCluskey E, Locher A, Parks S, Partridge CG. 2020. Genetic structure of invasive baby’s breath (Gypsophila paniculata) populations in a Michigan dune system. Plants. 9(9): 1123:


Steinman AD, Scott J, Green L, Partridge CG, Oudsema M, Hassett M, Kindervater E, Rediske RR. 2020. Persistent Organic Pollutants, Metals, and the Bacterial Community Composition Associated with Microplastics in Muskegon Lake (MI). Journal of Great Lakes Research


Rice E*, Leimbach-Maus H*, Partridge CG, McNair J. 2020. Assessment of invasive Gypsophila paniculata control methods in the northwest Michigan dunes. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 13(2): 94-101.


Cunha A, Partridge CG, Knapp R, Neff BD. 2019. Androgen and prolactin manipulation induces changes in aggressive and nurturing behavior in a fish with male parental care. Hormones & Behavior. 116: 104582.


Chorak GM, Ruetz III, CR Thum, RA, Partridge CG, Janetski DJ, Höök TO,  Clapp DF. 2019. Yellow perch genetic structure and habitat use among connected habitats in eastern Lake Michigan. Ecology and Evolution


Yang ML**, Rice E*, Leimbach-Maus H*, Partridge CG. 2019. Identification and characterization of Gypsophila paniculata color morphs in Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, MI, USA. PeerJ


Leimbach-Maus H*, Parks S, Partridge CG. 2018. Microsatellite primer development for the invasive perennial herb, Gypsophila paniculata. (Caryophyllaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences. 6(12): e01203


Loggie JW, Garner SR, Partridge CG, Dixon B, Knapp R, Neff BD. 2018. A test of the effect of androgens on immunity: no relationship between 11-ketotestosterone and immune performance in bluegill (Lepomis marochirus). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 261: 1-8.


Partridge, C., MacManes, M., Knapp, R., and Neff, B. 2016. Brain Transcriptional Profiles of Male Alternative Reproductive Tactics in Bluegill Sunfish. PLOS One


Partridge, C., Rodgers, C., Knapp, R., and Neff, B. 2015. Androgen effects on immune gene expression during parental care in bluegill sunfish. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 93(1): 9-13.


Partridge, C., Fawcett, G., Semenkovich, C.F., Wang, B., and Cheverud, J.M. 2014. The effect of dietary intake on hepatic gene expression in SM/J and LG/J mice. BMC Genomics 15: 99.


Partridge, C., Boettcher, A., and Jones A. 2013. The role of behavior and size in mate preference in the sex-role-reversed Gulf pipefish, Syngnathus scovelli. Ethology 119 (8): 692-701.


Partridge, C., Boettcher, A., and Jones, A.G.  2012. Population structure of the Gulf pipefish in and around Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Heredity. 103(6): 821-830.


Lawson, H.A, Cady, J. E., Partridge, C., Wolf, J. B., Semenkovich, C. F., and Cheverud, J.M. 2011. Context-dependency of genetic effects at pleiotropic loci associated with metabolic syndrome components: evolutionary and biomedical implications. PLoS Genetics.  7(9): e1002256


Kvarnemo, C., Mobley, K., Partridge, C., Jones, A.G., and Ahnesjö, I.  2011. Evidence of paternal nutrient provisioning to embryos in the pipefish, Syngnathus typhle. Journal of Fish Biology. 78(6): 1725-1737.


Mobley, K., Kvarnemo, C., Ahnesjö, I., Partridge, C., and Jones, A.G.  2011. The effect of maternal body size on offspring survivorship in the broods of pregnant male pipefish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65: 1169-1177. 


Partridge, C., Boettcher, A., and Jones, A.G.  2010. Short-term exposure to a synthetic estrogen disrupts male mating opportunity in a sex-role reversed pipefish. Hormones and Behavior. 58(5): 800-807.


Partridge, C., Ahnesjö, I., Kvarnemo, C., Mobley, K., Berglund, A., and Jones, A.G. 2009. The effect of perceived female parasite load on post-copulatory male choice in a sex-role reversed pipefish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 63(3):  345-354.


Partridge, C., Shardo, J., and Boettcher, A. 2007. Osmoregulatory role of the brood pouch in the euryhaline Gulf pipefish, Syngnathus scovelli. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 174(2):  556-561.


Ueda, N., Partridge, C., Bolland, J., Hemming, J., Sherman, T., and Boettcher, A. 2005.  Effects of an environmental estrogen on male Gulf pipefish, Syngnathus scovelli, a male brooding teleost. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 74: 1207 – 1212.


Partridge, C., Cazalas, C., Rozelle, J., Hemming J., and Boettcher, A. 2004. Small-scale captive breeding of a euryhaline pipefish. World Aquaculture. 35(3): 51-54.


Dupre, T., Granier, T., Keife, S., Marino, R., O’Rourke, S., Partridge, C., Schultz, D., Manhare, K., and Beck, J. 1999. Variation of mercury concentration in fish taken from Lake Boeuf, Southeastern Louisiana. Microchemical Journal. 61:  156-164.


Aucoin, J., Blanchard, R., Billion, C., Partridge, C., Schultz, D., Mandhare, K., Beck, M., and Beck, J. 1999. Trace metals in fish and sediments from Lake Boeuf, Southeastern Louisiana. Microchemical Journal. 62:  299-307.

Partridge Lab

Annis Water Resources Institute

Grand Valley State University

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